Thursday, June 18, 2009

I LIKE TECNOLOGY AND PREFER ..................

I would like to buy a laptop because its necesary for work out said and study, so its very easy to carry at differents place. I prefer find a laptop that has many programs and fuctions because I like the tecnology and be updates. I think is better a laptop that other thinks about tecnology because you can find anythings in a computer, for example music, video and all thing you want. I recomended a laptop, but sometimes its expensive and you cant find a more cheap its depends where do you by, meaby in Best bay you can. Ok

Thursday, June 11, 2009

If you would choose an animal I recommend a dog, because its beatiful, friendly and protect. I like dogs and I prefeer Labrador Retriever your country of origin is Canada, Is used for recovery, can perform their tasks in almost any terrain. It is'n dog big, but it's a dog with resistance and character very good because it enjoys with children and love protecting people.